Chinese smartphone giant OPPO had earlier launched its mid-range offering called the OPPO F15 in the Indian market. Now a new edition of the former is also going to be launched and it is being called the Oppo F15 Blazing Blue colour variant. This new variant will be sold alongside the existing Lightning Black and Unicorn White colour options. As for the pricing of the device, the Oppo F15 Blazing Blue can be purchased for Rs 18,990 for the single 8GB RAM + 128GB storage version. Both Amazon and Flipkart are selling the device but you will get an additional 10 percent discount on purchasing from the former using a Citibank credit card. The launch of this new colour variant was teased via a tweet from the company.
OPPO F15: Specifications
Apart from the colour variant, all the other specifications on the device remain the same. The phone has a 6.4-inch FHD+ (1,080×2,400 pixels) AMOLED display with 20:9 aspect ratio. It has a waterdrop-style notch on the front to house the selfie shooter. There is no physical fingerprint sensor with the company opting for an in-display variety. In terms of dimensions, the phone measures 160.2×73.3×7.9mm and weigh 172 grams.
Powering the phone is a MediaTek Helio P70 SoC which has several gaming-related features such as Game Boost 2.0, DC Screen Dimming 2.0, and In-Game Noise Cancelling Effects. As mentioned above, the phone happens to have 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage that is expandable via a microSD card by up to 256GB.
In the camera department, the OPPO F15 has a quad-camera layout with a 48MP primary shooter and it is supported by an 8MP ultra-wide sensor and dual 2MP sensors. The selfie shooter housed in the waterdrop notch has a 16MP selfie camera. As far battery goes, the whole setup is powered by a 4,000mAh cell that has support for VOOC 3.0 fast charge.
Are you excited to buy the new OPPO F15 Blazing Blue? Let us know in the comments below.
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