Honor had launched the first X10-series device, the X10 5G, last month. However, it isn’t going to be the only device in the X10 lineup. The brand has announced that it will launch the Honor X10 Max on 2nd July. This upcoming smartphone has been leaked multiple times so far, giving us a pretty good idea about what the device could offer. Today, we have another leak of the device. The Honor X10 Max has now been listed on China Telecom, which reveals many specs of the device and also the images of the smartphone. Let us have a look.
Honor X10 Max listed on China Telecom
The listing of the Honor X10 Max on China Telecom reveals that the phone has a 7.09-inch screen. There is a dual-camera setup at the rear with a 48MP main sensor and a 2MP depth sensor. At the front, there is an 8MP camera. In terms of power, the phone has a MediaTek MT6873 5G SoC with a 2GHz base frequency. The phone runs on the Android 10 OS with MagicUI 3.1.1 customization. In terms of connectivity, the Honor X10 Max has dual-SIM support, 5G support, and NFC. The listing says that the phone has a ‘big screen, big battery, big volume, and super fast charge,’ and that the Honor X10 Max is ‘Economical and practical.’ It also reveals that the phone ships with data cable, and leather case.
The images of the Honor X10 Max show that the device has a traditional, U-shaped notch on the display, a glossy back panel with vertically-placed camera setup, and a fingerprint scanner and volume button to the right-hand side of the device. It also shows that one of the color options of the device will include black. China Telecom has listed three memory configurations of the device, 6GB RAM + 64GB storage, 6GB RAM + 128GB storage, and 8GB RAM + 128GB storage. Most important of all, the listing shows that the 6GB + 64GB version costs CNY 2,299, 6GB + 128GB version costs CNY 2,599, and the 8GB + 128GB version costs CNY 2,799.
The post Honor X10 Max Full Specifications and Renders Surfaced on China Telecom Website Ahead of Launch appeared first on MySmartPrice.
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